
the car

Rolling video production line

Under construction...

MB V-Class as Taxi

Suggested vessel for this journey: A van in the size of MB V-Class, VW T6 etc. All additional equipment will be mounted in a way it can be removed again, to make the car look like a normal Lisbon taxi for the beginning of the story.

Main Logo

Of course there'll be a couple of logos on the car. Suggestion for main logo on the hood: The Peace Dove by Pablo Picasso.

Bord policy

Everyone who enters the vessel (incl. all outside-car activities connected to this project) will have to sign and follow the bord rules. Suggested:

  • 不谈政治
  • 不谈宗教
  • 禁止任何形式的暴力性或歧视性的语言或行为
  • 秉持尊重、慈爱、同舟共济之情
  • 自娛娛人

  • no politcial issues
  • no religious issues
  • no violent nor discriminating speech or act of any kind
  • respect, love, be on board
  • entertain

  • нет политических вопросов
  • нет религиозных вопросов
  • нет насилия и дискриминационной речи или акта любого другого рода
  • Уважение, любов, будь на борту
  • развлекать

All footage not conforming to the bord rules will be cut out.

Saving time & money

It would be a very beneficial twist of the story, if the car could change its owner, for instance during one of the stops suggested for the Netherlands.

Ozzy as Dutch diplomat car

As some important partners of the journey will surely be found in NL, it is not completely impossible that this could come real.

It still might be necessary and helpful to have some "compliments" on board to help saving time crossing borders. Some of these little gifts will have to be bought a couple of borders before...


The Content... next chapter...