
let's roll!

Taxi Dance

European cabdriver learning Mandarin from Chinese journalist on tour from Lisbon, Portugal via Balkh, Afghanistan to Macau, China.


Together discovering food, music and stories on the road. Producing videoblogs, realitysoap, e-learning and gastro-checks to earn some money. Following hints from social media users around the world. Finding solutions for all twists of the journey.
共同 Together.

Delightful European-Asian roadmovie-series. Unique journey. Big Brother on the Road.

The Path is the Goal

New Silk-Roads for a future of sustainability and peace: A "Belt And Road"-close-up.

Pre-Teaser 2019/20 with Liu Yenfen as passenger. Music: Cuca Roseta (C) 2013 Universal Music Portugal S.A.
Ozzy.GD is the nickname of the pre-rehearsal car, GD is the number plate of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.


The Story... next chapter...